
arvind academy

Admission is taken on the basis of written and oral tests; subject to availability of seats in a particular class. The test comprises a written examination in English, Maths and Hindi. There is no specific syllabus for the admission test, but a candidate must have adequate knowledge of the subject appropriate for the class lower than that in which he/she desires admission.

The child should be medically fit. At the time of Admission to class 1 & onwards T.C. will be required.

A clear calendar month’s notice in writing or a month’s fee in lieu of notice is required before a students is withdrawn from the school. T.C. is issued only when all the dues of the school are settled along with T.C. Fees. Birth Certificate along with Two Passport photos.

Indisciplinary Activities
  • Irregular Attendance.
  • Damage of school property.
  • Moral breach considered by the school authorities.
  • Failing for two consecutive years in the same class.
Progress Report

Parents will be informed of the academic progress report of the ward at the end of the term every year along with their participation & achievement in Co. curricular & Extracurricular activities.

The following Examination will be conducted during one Academic year.

  • Half Yearly Examination August.
  • Annual Examination March.

Regular home work & Class work will be checked by the concerned subject teachers.

Promotion will be given on the basis of terminal & Final Examination along with the discipline & cumulative performance of the students throughout the whole year.

  • Student must have 75% attendance in an academic year.
  • No leave is granted except on prior application from parents/Guardians on genuine grounds.
  • In case of sickness Medical certificate of a Register Doctor has to be submitted along with the leave application.
  • It is Compulsory for a student to attend school on the first and last day of long vacations and also on the school Functions days.
  • Regular attendance of student is necessary to maintain the link of day to day academic progress in the class room teaching.
With Drawl
  • A Student can be withdrawn from the school by the Parents Guardian on a written application by a months’ notice or month’s fee in lieu of notice.
  • All dues will have to be paid before leaving the school.
  • The school authority may also ask the guardians to with draw their wards on the ground of in discipline & poor academic performance.

Children seeking admission in different classes should have attended the minimum age as given below:

  • Nursery : 3+ years
  • LKG : 4+ years
  • UKG : 5+ years
  • Std I : 6 years
  • Std II : 7 years
  • Std III : 8 years
  • Std IV : 9 years
  • Std V : 10 years
  • Std VI : 11 years
  • Std VII : 12 years
  • Std VIII : 13 years
  • Std IX : 14 years
  • Std X : 15 years